Geodies – “Mass Rocas Fluorite” Coffee Table
Patricia UrquiolaONE OF A KIND
1/1 edition
The one-of piece Mass Rocas Fluorite Coffee Table takes its name from the presence of a stone of Jasper Red in its primordial state. The boulder, in its purity, becomes an integral part of the plan. The Fantastico Arni marble, with its pictorial veins, forms a perfect combination with the shade of fluorite. The table, with a rigorous shape, rests on the large stone with imperfect shapes, typical of natural rocks. The contamination between smooth matter, rough matrix of the boulder, gloss of the marble and matt colors of the stones are the recurring theme of this precious, one-of coffee table.type of marble
Fluorite, Fantastico Arnidimensions
60 x 55 x h 40 cm